Musser Communications

Short Stories


These first three short stories were written years ago for Class Magazine in San Rafael, CA, published by Nigel Friend and edited by Greg Brown of Abalone Design Group.

We'll post scans of the original stories soon.

"The Writer and the Lady," and "Roger" were published, while "Death at the Blue Moon" was being written when Nigel moved to Texas.

The fourth is the original 1993 short story version of "The Silver Splitter."

New! Here's the long-promised "The Last Man to Live Forever."

"The Last Man to Live Forever," originally a stand-alone, has been adapted to a chapter in our soon-to-be-completed novel, "The Seal of Kunduon."

View from Bon Tempe Lake Dam

The Writer & the Lady
Death at the Blue Moon
"The Silver Splitter"
"The Last Man to Live Forever"

"Death at the Blue Moon"









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