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OK, we're biting the bullet and commencing a port to Wordpress. Why? it's easier to update, doesn't require coding, scales to any device, and can be backed up to Dropbox by pushing a button, for free.

This might take a couple months, and will probably happen at another URL, so the process may not be visible to you, but LIFE WILL BE MUCH SIMPLER, afterwards!

We've also started a long-anticipated process of cleaning up and submitting our poetry to major venues, such as Poetry Magazine, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, etc. Our confidence level is high, as you can read everything "Poetry" has published since 1912 here: and we can hang, especially after re-discovering 100 unpublished poems written many years ago, that still work.

However, serious venues require works that have never appeared on the Internet, so you won't be able to see the "new" stuff here until it's been through the submission process.


North Cache Creek in summer

2 deer in stream
Old boat in lake