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In What's New? please find the latest draft of the first 10 chapters of "The Seal of Kunduon," with a more recent take on where this world is heading in the next 100-1000 years. (Hint: it's not always pretty.)

We're making good progress on finishing the novel, hopefully by the end of the year.

And spurred by an agreement from a famous composer to license his music (for the first time ever) for "The Silver Splitter," we've hired George Rush: to form a company to pursue crowd funding and equity financing for a production to shoot for 30 days in January to March 2022, Covid or not.

We've finished "There Might Be Nine Survival Uses for Pine Sap, But I Depend on You!" We'll post it as soon as we get a good recording.


Single California Poppy

What's New
What's New?











Copyright 1969--2022 Christopher J. Musser, all rights reserved.